Tuesday 25 October 2011

I want a 'do over'

Can you feel it?
C'mon you have to feel it?

I can see you're clueless and have no idea what I'm talking about. No worries, let me enlighten you

Christmas is coming..........

yes people Christmas!
Ok slightly melodramatic on my part but when I woke up this morning and realised my youngest was now 8 mths old today, it could only mean one thing - Christmas morning was only 2 months away.

I'd seen some signs in the supermarket you know a section or two of tinsel, paper and the like, hell I had even clocked the towering Christamas trees for sale at Costco and simply thought 'oh how cute' not 'omg batman'. [Ok a little PG 13 but I'm trying to cut down on my potty mouth]
But I now have to admit I've been in denial about this year's Christmas.

1.The action of declaring something to be untrue: "she shook her head in denial".
2.The refusal of something requested or desired.

Let me tell you upfront I love Christmas, I adore shopping for just the right presents, wrapping them and placing them under a 'real' tree as the lights flash on and off day and night.
But last year was a fizzer.
Geek dad was overseas working for 3 months and I was left to hold down the fort. I was heavily pregnant, working 5 days a week with a toddler who was not coping sans daddy and I was surviving on chicken noodles and canned tuna for dinner.

I had token decorations in the house, I couldn't bear to make my annual fruit mince pies blaming pregnancy and the humidity and I was not even tempted to fill up the stockings I had attached to the fireplace. My saving grace was my toddler cheeky monkey was too young to appreciate the fuss that is Christmas.
Christmas Day finally arrived and it was a very, very long day.
Cheeky monkey and I raced around the city from one engagement to the next; birthday cake for Em at Bondi Beach for breakfast, stealing a kiss from my 2 day old baby niece, eating mum's overcooked turkey, to marvelling at my friends courage after having lost her baby sister to cancer hours after giving birth to her much loved baby boy 6 weeks early.
By the time we got home I had a severe headache and all I wanted to do was collapse into bed. But my little boy had other ideas, namely throwing up all over me, his cot and bedroom floor. After the clean up I was thankful he was so exhausted he slept until morning.
So who wouldn't want a 'do over'?

I'm talking a real tree, full to overflowing stockings, mince pies, handmade decorations, countless presents, smiles from all my boys and if the Gods are on my side the temperature will be in the mid 20's!

There are no guarantees this year will be a successfull one but god damm it I will try my darndest.

What plans do you have for Christmas?

-- Hannah

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