Monday 30 January 2012

The countdown begins, first stop Daycare.

Image sourced by Photopin

Well after what seems like weeks of getting ready, today was the first time we left DreamBaby at childcare with his older brother CheekyMonkey.

I don't return to work until Wednesday but I kind of feel a little lost, it's not like I don't have a zillion things to achieve in these next two days but I do feel a little sad I don't have DreamBaby all to myself.

I stayed strong and didn't cry but there were a few mums who lost it before they walked out the door and my heart went out to them.

Come to think of it I do believe they they need extra staff on these days, not for the kids mind you but for the parents! As soon as you left the room they could whisk you away for a quick debrief, let you have a little cry hand you a tissue or ten and send you on your way with a strong coffee and the yummiest pastry.

The caffeinne and sugar hit would be enough to propel you safely to work and hopefully, fingers crossed before you know it you'll be back to pick up your kidlets.

Wishful thinking I know, but a girl can dream.

Did you have a hard day saying goodbye to your little one, when you dropped them at Daycare or school today?

photo credit: ArloMagicMan via photopin cc

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