Thursday 9 February 2012

1st birthday gift ... a snowboard?

A friend just sent me this YouTube video of a one year old snowboarding. Colour me impressed!

Noisy Daddy and I are avid skiers and we can't wait for the day when we can suit up little Stickybeak for his first skiing attempt, we just didn't think that it could be so soon!

We were imagining enrolling him in ski school when he was about three or four years old but this video of little Ava Marie has got us thinking. Actually, scratch that, it made us excited. I even believe the words "let's move to a ski town" escaped my lips. Maybe it was just my snow-deprived state talking.

Due to pregnancy and bub's subsequent arrival we have missed a few ski seasons now, northern and southern hemisphere, so we are champing at the bit to get back on the slopes. We are planning a snow holiday this winter (can't wait!) and have been looking up outfits for the little guy (check out this cutie, love the dinosaur spikes) but I think the shopping list just got upgraded.

As it turns out, the winter also happens to be Stickybeak's first birthday. We were probably going to buy him a kick arse toy, maybe something like a Wishbone Balance Bike, but I think we just got upsold to a snowboard.

We definitely weren't planning on buying him ski equipment for some time but I don't think we can resist now!

-- Natalie

What do you think ... is it too soon? When did your little one start lessons?

By the way, little Ava Marie continues to impress. Check out this video where she is swimming, surfing, skateboarding and horseback riding - all at the age of 2! I don't want to get too far ahead of myself here but I think we have found Stickybeak's future girlfriend.


  1. We need bylines so we know which posts are you and which posts are Hannah. (I only know because I know you - and I might be wrong!).That bike looks super-awesome.

  2. Hi Caitlin, At the end of the post it lists if it was by Natalie or Hannah, but we will see if we can add into the top line with the date structure.CheersHannah

  3. Looks like you got it sorted Han, noice!, you are the CMS queen.@Caitlin You do know me! :) The bike does look cool, I think it will be a Christmas gift now. Besides it probably isn't the ideal gift for a winter baby anyway (although winter can't be much worse than our summer).

  4. It makes me feel just like Junior MasterChef does - insecure!! LOL!Little Ava Marie is awesome.
