Wednesday 22 February 2012

The other 'Toy' Story

Last week, I think it was last week? Actually come to think of it, it might have been the week before. Or was it the week before that?

Hmm I have to confess the last three weeks have been a bit of a blur. Ideally in a perfect blogging world I would have written this entry when it happened but having returned to work I'm afraid my updates have been on the light side. Read a big fat 0! But after making a few changes to my schedule I'm back on track and ready to blog once more.

A few weeks ago within a 24 hour period GeekDad suffered a great loss, not one but two of his much loved 'toys' (also known as a Notebook and iPod) suffered serious injury.

The iPod decided it was feeling rather dirty and the only way it knew to get that sparkly new feeling again was to take a quick spin in our washing machine. It's quite possible (and I'm not admitting anything) I put a load of washing on totally oblivious to the damage I was about to inflict. Oops.

On spying the soggy and definitely clean iPod in the washing machine I rushed the injured player quickly into the kitchen for some tender loving care. Remembering friends had brought their iPhones back to life using rice to draw out the moisture I quickly sealed the iPod in bowl of rice tossing in 3 Silica gel packets for good measure. I then sent a little prayer to the music gods and crossed my fingers.

Later that evening I updated GeekDad about his iPod and fearing the worst we agreed there was little hope for life after a spin cycle.

But that was soon forgotten when he discovered his Notebook's LCD screen was no longer intact. Technically you could still read the screen if a flashing strobe every second isn't a deterrent. As we will never know the culprit we can only assume it was our eldest child, although I'm not ruling out either of our cats whose list of household destruction is rather long and just as impressive.

GeekDad was rather annoyed at himself for leaving his Notebook on the ground (yes I agree not the safest place) especially when little persons are about. But after turning to Google and a wealth of techie forums I found its quite common to replace the LCD screen and if you are super keen you can do it yourself. Somehow I think I will be shipping it off to the vendor for some loving care.

It seems my prayer to the music gods worked after all, who knew after a few days chilling in rice the iPod would once again play GeekDad's favourite tunes.

Do you have any stories to share, when kids and technology do not mix?
-- Hannah

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe the iPod survived! The gods were definitely on your side. This post has scared me and reminded me that I need to upgrade my iPhone case. The super rugged one I think! :)
