Wednesday 21 March 2012

I remember when nappy changes were fun

Yes really, it was fun. Especially in the first three months when Stickybeak would lie there and stare up at us and we would take the opportunity to sing songs, kiss his belly, hold hands and marvel at his little fingers and toes. It was great bonding time, I used to make it last as long as possible. We took video and photos. Why do people complain about changing nappies, I used to wonder, they don't even smell that bad.

Then at around six months it started to get a little trickier as he learned how to roll. In the beginning he could only roll from front to back, which was fine, but once he started to get the hang of back-to-front then nappy change times had an added element of fear. To be on the safe side we bought a strap for the change table but other than that it was still pretty good. Sure the smell started to change for the worse but still it was nothing to overly complain about. And we still used the bonding time to take photos.

Stickybeak at 5 months mugging for the camera post change.Fast forward another three months and I finally understand what people were going on about. He now hates nappy change time. HATES it. He expresses this with kicking, screeching and attempted escapes. To make matters worse he has learned how to sit up so keeping him down is impossible - not even the strap can hold him back. I now need three pairs of arms: one pair to keep his chest down, one pair to keep his legs down and another to actually change the nappy. Photos? Forget it. This is no time to linger. We still play with toys and sing songs but it isn't for bonding, it is a desperate attempt at distracting him long enough to get a clean nappy on. And the smell, my god. HAZMAT comes to mind.

So yes, I remember when nappy changes used to be fun. The halcyon days. It's a bit hard to believe now so I'm glad I took the photos and videos while I could (see, it isn't my mind playing tricks, I have proof!). I also can't help but wonder -- what on earth do the next three months have in store? It gets better right ... right?

(On the positive side, bath time has become easier and a lot more fun now that he can sit up.)

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