Sunday 15 April 2012

And some times I dream of running away....

When the clocks went back an hour marking the end of Day Light Savings recently I was so excited about gaining an extra hour of sleep I made the rookie mistake of staying up way too late. Instead of enjoying that extra hour tucked up in bed, GeekDad and I tended to one sick baby and one distraught toddler by playing musical chairs beds.

DreamBaby upchucked his dinner yet again just after midnight (thanks to a nasty gastro/ear/chest infection combo) and was promptly relocated to the portacot in the lounge room and I had the pleasure of sleeping next to him on our spare single mattress. 'Mattress' is quite frankly too nice a word for this 'foam number' it barely takes the edge off the floor, but just like camping some padding is better than nothing.

After trying to get comfortable and enter the dream zone, CheekyMonkey decided he needed to join the party in the living room. In the space of an hour, I moved from the foam mattress, to my bed, back again to the foam mattress to finally end up in my bed with CheekyMonkey in tow (GeekDad was sent packing to the 'foam number' to placate DreamBaby).

I think it was close to 3am when I finally went to sleep and I remember thinking and praying the kids would sleep late.  The joke was on me when they started the day at 7am.

Bleary eyed and one coffee in I kept thinking it would have been nice having an extra hour up my sleeve to help me make a dent in my current to-do list. Did I mention this list exists only in my head, yeap its all tucked nicely away for easy access. Unfortunately much to my husband's despair there is no way to download a copy in any format for him to access. I'm still hoping my husband will one day magically acquire mind reading skills!

So I was delighted when I stumbled across the Real Simple: Women & Time Chart App, you can choose to create a chart for 'A Typical Day', 'A Typical Weekend Day', 'What Others Think You Do All Day' and 'Your Fantasy Day'. One flaw was it kept insisting I keep to a 24 hr day, I mean really, have they not heard of multitasking?

A typical day at work vs with kids

It was very easy to do fill in my 'Typical Days', check out my images above, but when it came to creating 'My Fantasy Day' - I blanked.

If I'm lucky once a weekend I get a few hours to spend sans children and its usually spent catching up with one of my girlfriends, maybe a pedicure or a trip to the hairdresser to tame my unruly curls into submission. But its a rare occasion when I don't call/email/text to check on the kids when they are not in my line of vision or earshot.

Becoming a mother is everything I dreamed of and more, I just didn't fathom the mental frustration in not achieving all I want to in a day. I have days when I feel like superwoman and everything is on track and then there are the unspeakable days, days which drive me to despair!

Its these days when I know exactly what 'My Fantasy Day Chart' would say, 'Í ran away today, I'll be back tomorrow'.

-- Hannah

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