Wednesday 11 April 2012

Babies aren't accessories

Some people think that January Jones taking placenta pills is weird, others think Alicia Silverstone pre-chewing her baby's food is weird, and I have even had some people tell me that they think breastfeeding is weird.

For the record I think none of the above is particularly odd. Except for breastfeeding, I have to concede that is a little weird, but still it's awesome. Way more awesome than weird.

The one thing that does sit firmly in the weird category for me though is the term "baby wearing". That's wearing, not weaning (very different). And unlike how it sounds -- which to me is a tad psychopathic -- it actually refers to holding your baby in a carrier such as a Bjorn or sling. I first came across it when we bought the US brand Ergobaby carrier which came with an instruction DVD (those things are complicated!). On it were video testimonials of happy customers talking about how much they love to "wear their babies". In a word: Creeeeeeeepy!

Since then I've come across it a lot on US websites and blogs but disturbingly I have also seen it on Australian websites. And to that I say, please please please let's not start using that term here. There are many fabulous things that we should import from the US -- pulled pork sandwiches, HBO, and cinnamon bun dough in a can come to mind -- but this phrase isn't one of them.

Which leads me to this: babies aren't accessories. We don't wear them. They are human beings (albeit little ones) that we can cuddle, hold, carry and cradle. As cute as they are they do not complete an outfit and will not land anyone on a best-dressed list. So I urge you all to hold your babies in a carrier, because that too is awesome, but to never ever wear them. That's just weird.

As a demonstration, here is a pic of Noisy Daddy wearing carrying Stickybeak.

-- Natalie

Look at those matching dimples, too cute!!

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