Thursday 2 August 2012

Toys need love too

Stickybeak with Lizzie in happier times
Every night Stickybeak goes to bed with his toys - he has Lizzie the Lamb, Bill the Bear and Bunny, which is self explanatory. No, I guess we aren't that creative with toy names in this house.

Every night Stickybeak throws them out of his cot and on to the floor. Every night. Well, except for last night because he was so tired he went straight to sleep without doing the usual toy exodus ritual. Of course the first thing he did when we woke up was to throw his toys out of the cot and on to the floor.

He doesn't seem to want them back but at the same time he likes his toys. I have to say, I really don't get this game or understand my role in it. I'm obviously not about to be given the rules any time soon so I'm putting this behaviour into the 'babies are weird' category.

Do your babies do this too?

ps: seeing his toys abandoned on the floor makes me sad. I fear that soon I'll start putting them in my bed.

-- Natalie

1 comment:

  1. No toys exiled from the cots these days.Instead I have my version of Ground Hog Day!Every day the lounge room looks like a toy shop vomited on my lounge room floor and every night I restore peace and sanity to the room so it can happen all over again.;)
