Monday 4 June 2012

Daddy day care

Let's hear it for the boys ... What To Expect When You're Expecting.
Daddy day care began in our house today. Noisy Daddy has dropped back to four days a week at work so he can mind Stickybeak on Mondays. He got his own nappy bag to mark the occasion and he is quite chuffed about it.

I'm really proud of him for doing this and I think he and Stickybeak will have a great time together. Do a lot of dads do this? I can think of a few men that I know personally who have shifted to part-time hours so that they can spend more time with their children and I hope that you know some too.

One of the lovely things about having a baby was having the world of new dads open up to me - they are everywhere, loving and enjoying their babies at the swimming pool, at the playground, in the supermarket aisle and on Facebook. I love that we live in an era where parenting is shared, where dads change nappies in the middle of the night, give bottles, make dinners, and take control of bath time.

Hopefully Noisy Daddy will one day write us a post on his stay-at-home adventures with Stickybeak but for now here are a few posts by some great dads that I have enjoyed recently:

Ben Pobjie - To my daughters

Jason Seiden - One dad's simple dream

Nigel Marsh (TED talk) - How to make work-life balance work

Dan Pearce - You just broke your child, congratulations

Philip Barker - PND & blokes: A how-not-to-guide

How to be a Dad -- all of it really, they're awesome.

Are there any dad blogs or posts that have stuck with you?

-- Natalie


  1. Yay for Daddy day care. We have it on Fridays in our house and I swear it's everyone's favourite day. Me cause I get to get up, put my face on and get dressed for work with ZERO responsibility for anyone else. The kids love it too - probably cause Daddy is a hell of a lot more fun than I am - they ask *every* morning if it's daddy day yet - and hubby loves it cause he's just a big kid at heart. When I get home, the house looks like a bomb has been detonated, the car has wet towels/sand/various food leftovers all through it (sometimes all three depending on the activity of choice for the day) and everyone is grinning from ear to ear. 'Cept me sometimes cause I have to clean it all up!As for dad blogs, check out Jason Good 365 - hilarious stuff. Love him.

  2. What Mummy Did5 June 2012 at 15:27

    Friday madness, I love it.And thanks for the blog recommendation, it's great. This post had me laughing out loud:
