Sunday 1 July 2012

Kicking the 5am feed

With a little help from my friends we managed to kick the 5am breastfeed and life improved. Like a lot.

When Stickybeak was six months old this is what his night-time routine looked like:

7pm - bed
10.30pm - milk feed (bottle given by his daddy)
5am - breastfeed
7am - wake up

It looks pretty good doesn't it, well, in comparison to getting up every three hours! We did some hard yards getting to this point (by we I mainly mean me). We introduced the 10.30pm feed at around 4 months and it pushed the midnight feed back to 1.30am. Soon the 1.30 feed morphed with the 3.30am feed and then that got later and later until it got stuck at 5am. And that's where it stayed for a quite a while.

Surprisingly, it turns out that getting up at 5am is actually harder than 3am. It must have been the wrong time in my sleep cycle because once I woke up at five I couldn't get back to sleep again. Long after Stickybeak was back in the land of nod I was still tossing and turning and watching the clock count down to 7am.

I would have put up with this for a long time, because that's the kind of self-punishment we parents do, except I noticed that Stickybeak wasn't really that hungry at 5am - he would only feed on one side and even then he fell asleep in my arms almost immediately. My gut feeling was that he was just waking up out of habit and I was basically serving as a sleep aid. It started to feel very not worth it. We needed to break the habit but how?

I brought this up with my friends and they gave me some great advice:

Tip 1 - offer him water rather than milk
Tip 2 - (this is the really important one) get daddy to do it because if I get up he would expect milk
Tip 3 - be prepared for a little crying
Tip 4 - if possible, sleep somewhere else

So on the Australia Day weekend when Stickybeak was 7 months old We decided to give it a shot - I slept in the spare room and left Noisy Daddy bravely armed with a sippy cup of water. To be honest I expected it to go badly, I expected him to reject the water and to cry and cry and cry ... and I expected Stickybeak to do the same (ha!).

Seriously, I thought Noisy Daddy would have to come and wake me sometime around 5.30am. To my surprise I woke up at 8am having enjoyed my first night of sleeping through in what felt like a long long time. I felt fantastic. There was this wonderful sensation that seemed to start from my toes which spread a warm wash of contentment throughout my body. I was relaxed, limber, ready to start the day. I think I was even happy. Wow, this is what well rested feels like (oh how I had missed you!).

Then of course I remembered I had a baby, one who wasn't in the same room as me, and I panicked. Why hadn't I heard from them? What if something happened? Are they alive? Eek!! And then I heard a happy squeal coming from the kitchen. Noisy Daddy was feeding Stickybeak his weetbix and he was happy as a clam (Stickybeak that is, although ND was pretty chuffed too). It turns out that without me in the room Stickybeak slept through the night. Great ... sort of. Did he actually sleep through or did he wake up but ND didn't hear him stir? Who knows.

We tried it again the next night. Same story. And the next night. Same again. I moved back into the bedroom on the fourth night, very warily I should add. We still had the sippy cup of water and the plan was that ND would tend to him if he woke -- and can I just say, this alone made the exercise worth it. No longer being the one to get up was a big bonus for me. Like huge. Enormous. Enormously huge. I can't tell you how good that was.

Anyway ... we even switched sides in the bed so that I was further away from the cot. Amazingly he didn't wake up at 5am (I still did but that's another story). He kept it up for a week before I was willing to believe that this was now the new norm.

In the next couple of months he woke up at 5am maybe three times and two of those times he took a sip of water and a cuddle from his daddy and went back to sleep. The other time he was teething so I'm not counting that one.

We have been in this new routine for five months now. I actually wanted to write this post months ago but I too afraid that it would jinx it, like the world would smite me for getting some extra sleep. Crazy I know but that is how precious sleep is.

-- Natalie


ps I was reluctant at first to give up the 5am feed because it was the only time that Stickybeak fell asleep in my arms and that part was really nice. Noisy Daddy still gets that with the 10.30pm feed and I don't think he wants to give it up either.

pps thank you to Hannah, Julia and Kylie for your awesome advice x

ppps I may have slightly exaggerated that whole well-rested part but when you're in the desert water tastes pretty damn good.


  1. Awesome, Nat! Well done! Do you plan to keep him in your bedroom for a while yet? (No right time, but having twins meant that I had no choice but to move them once they grew out of bassinets).

  2. Yes, he will be in with us for a while yet - we actually don't have anywhere else for him to go! At least our bedroom is large and we recently moved his cot away from being right next to us, so that's something.

  3. This is great! As a sleep aid to my tiddler (14 months now so not so tiddly!) I can relate. He's never slept through and pretty much wakes at 10.30/11 and 5 every night and usually ends up in our bed from one of those times through laziness and fatigue on my part! We've put off the Daddy approach over and over for various reasons, oh he's got chicken pox, just one more night etc..and I feel OK because I end up sleeping next to him so not in and out to get him but the thought of a complete night's sleep as described by you and a happy morning squeal in the kitchen - well, it might just tip me over!
